

After Grad, What's Next?

After Grad, What's Next?


Remember when you were in college? Life was simple: study, party, enjoy your life. But now you are moving from school into the workplace… Be prepared, new grads! If you’ve ever heard of people who did well in school, but ended up struggling when confronting barriers in real life, it is because they haven’t prepared themselves to face that next level of challenges. The outside world won’t be as pretty as you thought, and reality may even slap you in the face! The process to become successful goes along with learning to manage ourselves. 

First, what is your most concerned thought after graduate? Having a stable job, isn’t it? I myself am a new grad, and of course, my job searching progress was pretty tough, too. My only advice for those who are seeking that first post-grad job is to be patient, maybe be a little hard-headed, be s.e.r.i.o.u.s. and persistent. Everything takes time, and the opportunities are not always there just waiting for you. Just keep swimming like Dory the fish, and you will eventually reach your goal. And don’t forget that you must try the best of your best! It won’t hurt to apply gazillion times. 

Second, find yourself a mentor; a person who is experienced enough to give you guidance. “Before 30 years old, it’s not which company you go, it’s which boss you follow. A good boss teaches you differently” – Jack Ma. Obviously, in this busy world, not all people are willing to spend their precious time to sit down and help you from the beginning. So if you’re lucky enough to find one (or maybe, more than one), don’t forget to thank them. Manners do matter.  

Third, is to never stop updating your knowledge! One thing to keep in mind is that all that you learned in school wasn’t enough. In other words, your education is never ending, so constantly expanding your wisdom is the efficient way to find success. Beside your schooling, there is a whole new universe of knowledge in real life. And once you reach the top, the most important thing after that is to know how to maintain such a position and keep going. If you don’t want to move backward, never stop improving your knowledge and skills.


Good luck new grads - an adventure awaits!

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