

Fall Cleanup - How De-Cluttering is Good For The Soul

Fall Cleanup - How De-Cluttering is Good For The Soul

A good De-Cluttering can do wonders for the house or office, but it's also great for the mind and soul.

I'm at the cottage this weekend, working on the annual Fall clean-out of the cupboards and fridge, in preparation for the winter season. We are on an island, so we close the place up every fall after the first threats of snow make the news. It's just too cold and access is very difficult between-seasons. So, every year, we make a last trip up to clear out the old jam jars and condiment bottles from the fridge, rid the place of all liquids that could freeze and cause a mess, and do a final cleaning.

As I spent the last couple of hours on this no-so-enjoyable task, I realized I was feeling a great sense of clarity. Something about de-cluttering our surroundings is really great for the mind. They say it's a sense of removing the old to make room for the new. Yes, I realize that saying isn't based on old strawberry jam jars - I'm reveling in the feeling right now and had to share. It's something I believe we all put off but it's therapeutic.

The same can be said about a workspace. Tidy, de-clutter and freshen the space for a new, revitalized feeling. We challenge all of you Feisty Bosses out there to de-clutter and make room for something new. Maybe it's your desk in your home office, or a craft table you've got in the basement. Perhaps it's that corner in the kitchen where you keep your coupons and to-do lists, or your bedroom closet - find a space that's feeling cluttered. Spend an hour or two, to pull everything out and get rid of what you don't need - old reminders or expired coupons, those shirts you meant to iron when you finished laundry (2 months ago). Take that pile of paper in the corner of your desk, and file it away - Replace with a plant or a frame of photos.

Here are a few great links for those of you who need a game-plan:


Tell us about you de-clutter adventure!

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Choose the job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life